Frequently Asked Questions About Our CL Posting Tool


1. I have advertised on Craigslist before, has anything changed over the last 5 years?

Yes, a lot has changed. Craigslist Auto now charges $5 per listing and uses algorithms to filter out “junk postings” and help Craiglist search results be more relevant to the consumer. Instead of basing which listings show first solely on what time they were posted, vehicle posts can now “beat the clock”: older posts can show first by simply being more appealing and being optimized to satisfy the Craigslist algorithm.

2. Why should I avoid managing my own Craigslist Inventory Postings?

Your inventory, pricing, and vehicle info are constantly changing. An automated solution synced with your website is the only way to stay current and keep your inventory listings up to date.

Plus, there are 13 steps involved in creating a Craigslist vehicle listing from start to finish, and that doesn’t involve maintaining, updating, and refreshing them. Keeping on top of this for your entire used inventory simply isn’t a time-efficient solution!

3. What's the "science" behind posting on Craigslist?

Craigslist Auto now uses an algorithm to decide which vehicle listings should show at the top of the Search Results Page (SRP). And our program has nailed that algorithm using data and science, A/B/C testing hundreds of variations of listing templates to see which one is truly the “champion” when it comes to getting to the top of the SRP.

4. What makes Dealers Choice Craigslist Posting Tool different than others?

  1. Everything we do is based on data and science: not gut feelings.
  2. Our design templates beat any other competitors’.
  3. We include “Full Reporting” with call tracking and by-vehicle reporting for your market.
  4.  Our system knows the best time and day to post each vehicle.
  5.  We automatically detect when you sell a vehicle and will swap a new vehicle in place of the old ad without any additional charge (nobody else does this!).

Get the full feature list by scheduling a FREE DEMO!

5. What do I have to do to maintain my postings once I’m live?

Absolutely nothing apart from answering the inbound lead emails, SMS text messages, and phone calls that our posting tool generates! Simply set up your budget, grant us access to your inventory feed, and the system will automatically start sending you qualified Craigslist leads for each vehicle posted.

6. How fast can I be up and running with this Craigslist Posting tool?

Most dealers are live within 48 hours of receiving a copy of your inventory feed from your data provider.

7. What’s included in Dealers Choice’s deal?

  • +  Optimized vehicle listings for however many used inventory you want to post
  • +  A/B/C tested templates that don’t lose
  • +  Inventory sync and automatic updates
  • +  Sales swap
  • +  Smart posting specific to your market and based on science
  • +  Multiple market targeting
  • +  Call tracking and call recordings
  • +  Full reporting with dynamic dashboard
  • +  Trackable data via Google Analytics

8. How much is it?

Craigslist charges $5 per vehicle per market to post a vehicle in the Cars+Trucks section of Craigslist, and most dealers receive 1st party leads for less than $10 per lead from Craigslist. Dealers Choice charges a monthly service fee and you can setup a maximum monthly budget that will automatically set which vehicles to prioritize based on your budget. Schedule a demo now to plan your Craigslist Posting budget.

9. Will it work with my inventory feed provider?

Yes, our program can upload your inventory to Craigslist regardless of your feed provider.

10. Can I track the results from my Craigslist postings in Google Analytics?

Yes. With all digital advertising, you should always be able to track your efforts directly in Google Analytics. If your vendor is withholding Google Analytics access or data from you, help us hold them accountable by telling us about it here.

11. What results can I expect?

The average dealer posting 200 used inventory to Craigslist through our program will receive:

  • +  109 phone calls
  • +  87 clicks to site
  • + 34 eText Leads
  • +  16 emails
  • +  12 text leads
  • +  11 cars sold

12. How long do listings run on Craigslist for?

We run the average listing 30 days. Our posting schedule is as follows:

Day 1: 40% of Dealer Inventory is posted, selected by which vehicles are “trending” in your dealership’s market, so that we rank when a user searches for a specific keyword. (82% of Craigslist shoppers use this option).

Day 2-30: Remainder of Dealer Inventory is posted. This ensures your inventory is at the top of the SRP for users who aren’t using the search box.

13. What if my vehicle sells before the 30 day mark?

We’ll swap it out with another vehicle for free, even if it’s at the beginning of our post schedule. (Nobody else does this!)

Frequently Asked Questions about PPC & SEM


1. How long will it take to get up and running with a new PPC provider?

We allow 7-10 business days for our PPC solution to be activated once your website provider places our tracking code on your site.

2. Will my quality score be affected if I switch PPC providers?

No! Quality Score is domain driven. As long as you shut off your current provider, your Quality Score shouldn’t be affected. In fact, most clients experience a higher Quality Score within the first 30 days on our program.

3. How much should my ad spend be?

Every dealership’s market is different. Typically we suggest sticking with your current PPC budget (for the first 30 days) to let our team gain true insight on your local market before making any recommendations.

We use a data driven approach and will help your dealership understand the online opportunities and recommend budget changes as seen fit. We find that most of our dealers are grossly under-spending and not leveraging all the tools and data available to them.

4. Can I change my budget?

Absolutely—anytime! In fact, we offer a flat rate management fee and load your credit card directly into Google AdWords.

5. What is cost Acquisition?

Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) or Cost Per Lead (CPL) is your AdWords spend divided by the number of leads generated from Google AdWords. For example, if you spend $2000.00 on AdWords and receive 65 phone calls and 35 VDP form submissions from traffic generated from Google AdWords, then your CPL would be $20.00 per lead (2000/100).

We use DNI (Dynamic Number Insertion) to change your website phone number when Google AdWords traffic hits your site. We also use UTM Tagging which tags all AdWords traffic. This allows us to track the exact phone calls & leads coming from your AdWords efforts.

6. What search engines do you work with?

We offer all paid services on the Google Network including but not limited to Google Search, Google Display and Remarketing, YouTube Preroll, GMail Promotional Ads, and Google Shopping.

7. Is this solution right for me?

This solution is perfect for you if you:

  • +  Want to dominate the internet with your dealership’s brand and link to the most relevant page on your website
  • +  Want your ads to increase brand awareness and sell new inventory
  • +  Want more bang for your buck and avoid spending costs on specific vehicle copy and graphics
  • +  Want to rise above other cookie-cutter PPC solutions without breaking the bank
  • +  Use or have used an OEM recommended solution
  • +  Want to dominate your local search and nearby competition
  • +  Want to reduce your defect rate (AOR/PMA shoppers buying from your competitor)
  • +  Are focused on getting a lower Cost Per Acquisition / Cost Per Lead
  • +  You want to consolidate your AdWords, Video advertising, Retargeting, Display Advertising, and SEM to ONE solution
  • +  Want to drive relevant car buying terms directly to the best Search Results Page (SRP)
  • +  Want a custom, dealer-first approach to PPC Advertising

…and may not be right for you if you:

  • +  Are used to spending $40,000 or more on PPC Advertising
  • +  Want your ads to focus on used inventory (we recommend Craigslist)
  • +  Want to retarget website visitors with the exact vehicle they viewed on your site
  • +  Want a fully automated, cookie cutter solution that can often cost more and be less effective
  • +  Want a solution to just “check” the PPC box on your digital advertising strategy

8. What's included in the Dealers Choice deal?

  • +  Fully managed AdWords strategy with keyword tuning, geo-targeting, setting optimization, and enhanced campaigns
  • +  Retargeting across Google’s Content Network that drives in-store visits and test drives
  • +  Call tracking and recording with Dynamic Call Insertion (DNI)
  • +  Seamless tracking in Google Analytics
  • +  Weekly reports with in-depth look at Paid Visits, Phone Calls, Conversion Rates, and Ad Spend
  • +  No contracts and zero setup fees
  • +  Transparent pricing (your ad spend loaded directly into Google)

9. How much is it?

You choose your ad spend which we load directly into Google, and Dealers Choice charges 10% management fee. The average industry fee is 20%, so dealers Choice is 1/2 the investment with 2x the ROI!  Schedule a demo now to plan your PPC Advertising budget with our experts.

10. How much of your service is dynamic vs. hands-on?

Some automotive SEM providers have robust systems for generating ads based on your website content. This isn’t a bad thing unless it means your ads will be created and managed with only the slightest of human oversight. Running campaigns efficiently requires lots of human intervention, because it’s very easy to spend on the wrong clicks.

11. How much can I customize my campaigns and ads?

This question flows naturally from the one above. You’ll want the flexibility to shift your spend periodically based on the needs of your business. You need hands-on support to do that. You will also want to customize your ad copy. A hands-free vendor may use generic, default ad text. That generic ad doesn’t give you the opportunity to mention the value propositions that differentiate your dealership. Make sure you have the right to review and edit your ad text.

12. How do you geo-target?

Effective geo-targeting is a crucial part of an optimized SEM campaign. When you ask this question, your pitchman will probably tell you they use a 30- or 40-mile radius around your location. Wrong answer. Call the Opportunity Dealers Choice team at 877-350-0013 today and we’ll tell you what the right answer is.

13. How often do you report results?

Most vendors will email you a report every month. You’ll have to decide if this is frequent enough for you. You probably want your SEM to be hands-free, but you have to balance that with the importance of keeping an eye on your vendors. Vendors naturally tend to pay less attention when there’s less oversight. More reporting and more communication with your vendors naturally holds them accountable.

14. What metrics do you report on?

Make sure any prospective SEM vendor regularly provides you with these numbers:

  • Cost per click (CPC) not including the management fee
  • Click through rate (CTR)
  • Number of conversions
  • Conversion rate

Upon request, your vendor should also be able to provide cost per conversion, bounce rate and your keyword quality scores.

15. How do I keep my cost low?

Relevancy is the key to keeping costs low. The ad must be relevant to the keyword and the landing page must be relevant to the ad. This can only be done effectively if the account is highly structured using just a few closely related keywords per ad group.

17. What if I gave you part of my budget and kept the rest with the other guy?

If your pitchman thinks it’s a great idea to split budget dollars between two different SEM managers, show him the door. You don’t want two vendors running two competing campaigns for you. Google can ban you as an advertiser for this. Don’t work with someone who is willing to put you and your reputation with Google at risk.

When you find yourself pitched by a super salesman who doesn’t give you the right answers, say no thanks. You might offer him a job selling cars, but you’ll need to pass on his automotive SEM program.

16. Talk to me about converstions.

This is an open-ended question to get your pitchman to tell you how his company defines conversions. Make sure you understand this definition and agree that it’s an acceptable way to report the numbers.